
Help & Support


Documentation is shipped with every release of Xubuntu and is available through the Help enty in the application menu or by clicking here if you are running Xubuntu.

Online Documentation

Release Notes

If you are installing or using Xubuntu and have run into a problem, please read the Release Announcement and Release Notes for your release to learn about common bugs and known fixes to them.

Internet Relay Chat

Due to the real-time nature of IRC, it is often the fastest way to get help.

Please be patient: while there may appear to be lots of people in the channel, they may not be available at the time. While you are waiting, it is a good idea to look for an answer via other support methods.

Join #xubuntu

Additional help can be found in the localized Ubuntu IRC channels, for those who prefer to chat in their native language, as well as the official #xfce community support.

If you prefer a desktop application to use IRC, then you can use the pre-installed Pidgin instant messenger or your favorite IRC client to join the channels on the Libera Chat IRC network (irc.libera.chat).