Integrating releases to the website
During 2016, the Xubuntu website team has been working on integrating the releases better to the website. What this essentially means is that the maintenance is easier for the team in the future, but also that the release information is presented in a more concise and central way for each release.
Release pages
We finally have a one-stop page for all currently supported releases – the Releases landing page. You can find the page at any time under the About menu. From this page, you can easily access individual release pages.
The new individual release pages (for example, see the 16.04 release page) lists the basic information for the release, appropriate release links (downloads and documentation), all articles on the release as well as the press links and finally, all screenshots related to the release.
We hope our users find the new release pages useful – we definitely do!
Automatized links
In addition to the release pages, we’ve worked how some of the common links are stored internally. With these changes, we’re able to build dynamic link lists for the downloads, the press links (including the press archive) as well as the documentation links for supported releases.
These changes help with the maintenance and we hope to put the time freed from running the maintenance routines into finding more useful content for the press links and improving the site content otherwise.