Introducing Xubuntu 12.10 Beta 2
The Xubuntu team is glad to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 12.10 Beta 2!
Along with new features and completely new looks, Beta 2 comes with other changes too: the Xubuntu team has decided to drop the alternate images at least for 12.10 due to the lack of manpower.
New features include:
- Updated artwork, including new wallpaper, documentation looks and updates to LightDM, Greybird and Ubiquity slideshow
- Completely reviewed and rewritten offline documentation
- New versions of Catfish and Parole
Notable bug fixes include:
- ISO now fits on a standard 700M CD
- No more window traces or “black on black” in installer
Known issues:
- The messaging indicator is not available for 12.10
- Duplicated partitions might be shown at Thunar sidebar and desktop