The small details: Personal information integration
In this series the Xubuntu team present some of the smaller details in Xubuntu to help you use your system more efficiently. Several of the features covered in this series are new for those who will be upgrading from 14.04 LTS to 16.04 LTS. We will also cover some features that have been in Xubuntu for longer, for those that are completely new to the operating system.
We have talked about customizing in this series before, but now we take a look at another aspect of it; personal information and its integration.
The Xubuntu team has created an application called Mugshot to manage your personal data. With Mugshot, you can change your personal information, including your user image, name and initials and it will take care of integrating the information in supporting applications like the login screen, LibreOffice Writer and Calc, Pidgin.
Adding your personal information
To run Mugshot, go to Settings Manager → About Me. To add your personal information, simply fill in the form.
The first installed user and any added admin users will be able to change any field. Normal users can change their image and most of the fields, this type of user will not be able to change phone numbers.
To add a user image, click on the placeholder image on the left side of the dialog and select your preferred user image. If you have a webcam connected, you can use it to take a photo of yourself to use.
Finally, click Apply and you are done!