
Xubuntu 14.10 Beta 2 is released!

The Xubuntu team is pleased to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 14.10 Beta 2. This is the final beta towards the release in October. Before this beta we have landed various of enhancements and some new features. Now it’s time to start polishing the last edges and improve the stability. The Beta 2 release is available for download by torrents and direct downloads fromhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/utopic/beta-2/

Highlights and known issues

To celebrate the 14.10 codename “Utopic Unicorn” and to demonstrate the easy customisability of Xubuntu, highlight colors have been turned pink for this release. You can easily revert this change by using the theme configuration application (gtk-theme-config) under the Settings Manager; simply turn Custom Highlight Colors “Off” and click “Apply”. Of course, if you wish, you can change the highlight color to something you like better than the default blue!

Known Issues

Workarounds for issues in virtual machines