
Xubuntu 15.04 Beta 2

The Xubuntu team is pleased to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 15.04 Beta 2. This is the final beta towards the release of 15.04 in April.

Please note the important install known issue at Bug 1436715: “Vivid DVD fails to reboot or shutdown w/o hard reset”

If you are at all unsure about a hard reset, the options are

The Beta 2 release is available for download by torrents and direct downloads fromhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/vivid/beta-2/

Highlights and known issues

New features and enhancements

Between Beta 1 and now, the final release of Xfce 4.12 has been packaged and uploaded to 15.04.

Known Issues

The detailed release note including other less critical known issues can be found here.

New application versions in the Xubuntu packageset