Copyright © 2012–2022 The Xubuntu documentation team. Xubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd.
This documentation provides information on some of the most common topics on using Xubuntu. The complete set of topics is listed below.
If you require help with a topic or problem that is not addressed by the documentation, you can visit the Help & Support page of the Xubuntu website for a full list of additional help resources. Some of these resources include live chat on the #xubuntu (English) IRC channel or an Ubuntu localized channel, live chat on the Xubuntu Support Telegram group, email support on our Xubuntu user (English) mailing list or an Ubuntu localized list, Xubuntu Reddit, Xfce Forums and Ubuntu Forums as discussion platforms, and Ask Ubuntu for Q and A.
If you would like to contribute to Xubuntu, including this documentation, see the Get Involved section of the Xubuntu website. Xubuntu is a community-driven project that you can participate in. There are many areas of involvement, including artwork, bug reporting, bug triaging, testing, documentation, translation, programming, marketing, and more. To participate you can contact the team on the #xubuntu-devel IRC channel, the Xubuntu Development Telegram group, or the Xubuntu Development mailing list.
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